Government economics-II-G

30 Dec

President Biden just ordered a raise for federal employees. After robbing the average American by fueling inflation by pushing through massive new spending  and crippling the American energy programs, he turned around and hurt them again by pushing through huge new taxes. Now, he is rewarding the bureaucrats who already make fantastic salaries, and who are almost immune from firing due to strong unions, supported by laws enacted by liberal Democrats. The increased  cost of those raises will raise the budgets of federal agencies, however, there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes the President to order expenditures from the treasury. The House must initiate and approve all budget items and they must be approved by the Senate. Once passed by Congress, the President has the authority to approve them or veto them, but can not change them. President Biden seems to think he can take the law into his own hands and change it at his own discretion.



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