Government economics-II-H

30 Dec

It is really upsetting to see the rhetoric flying about the budget proposal. The Democrats are accusing the Republicans of refusing to give in and increase the debt limit when that is a two-way street. The Democrats aren’t giving in on cutting spending. The Democrats just want to up the debt limit so they can continue their wasteful spending. The Republicans gave in so they couldn’t be accused of shutting down the government and so we got saddled with a huge increase in spending again. It is time we call a stop to the wasteful spending and require our legislators to live within their budget like everyone else has to. Raising the debt limit will only put off the inevitable need to cut spending. The debt is getting so large it is hard to even pay the interest on it and allowing it to increase will only increase the interest. Eventually it will reach the point where we can’t pay the interest, let alone pay on the principle. It is time we demand that our law makers honor their campaign promises and cut spending. They won’t do it on their own, the American people have to demand that they do so.



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