Posts Tagged ‘Violence and Gun Control’

Violence and Social Strife-2-AA

16 Nov

Liberals like to blame everyone but themselves for the violence. They are the ones setting up the policies that break down the family that teaches respect for authority, They are the ones taking the Bible out of our schools and the Ten Commandments out of our courts. They are the ones that ignore the law if it prevents them from doing what they want, and pressure parents not to discipline their children. They play up police shootings and break down respect for law, and call for attacking those that disagree with them. They push abortion, assisted suicide, and mercy killing, breaking down respect for life, and are the ones that publicize the shootings giving people that feel ignored the attention they seek. They refuse to admit they are causing the problem and feel that all they have to do is take away people’s guns and it will all go away. They seem to feel that without guns, everyone will be happy and love each other, and respect the law. They live in a dream world where they feel they are entitled to whatever they want and become frustrated when everybody doesn’t just step aside and give it to them. They become angry with anyone who stands in their way. Such teaching fuels anger and frustration which leads to violence. Jesus calls us to love each other. If we all love each other, there will be a lot fewer shootings, stabbings, beatings, and overall violence.



Violence and Social Strife-3-F

18 Oct

Hamas is crying about all the civilian deaths in the Gaza strip and the fact is that they  are much higher than Israel’s deaths but you must look at the facts before passing judgement. Hamas attacked Israel without warning and specifically targeted civilians with no military objectives. Israel had to defend themselves. The only way to do that was to take out the rocket launchers that are firing the missiles. Hamas deliberated put the launchers in population areas so there would be civilian casualties if Israel tried to destroy them. Israel announced they were going to attack the launchers and ordered the civilians to leave the area. They gave them plenty of time to leave. That cost them the element of surprise and allowed Hamas to move or protect their launchers, but Israel did not want to risk the lives of Arab civilians. However, Hamas blocked all the roads and would not allow the civilians to leave so they could use them as human shields. Israel had no choice but to attack the rocket launchers or face a lot more of their own civilians being killed. The high death toll is not Israel’s fault. They did everything they could to prevent civilian deaths, but Hamas deliberately put the civilians in harms way so they could use them to gain sympathy.


Violence and Social Strife-3-E

18 Oct

Hamas launched a huge attack on Israel which was an act of pure evil. Families were killed in their homes, children were killed at a children’s event, women and children were kidnapped and many later killed for no other reason then to instill fear. It was totally unprovoked and served no military purpose. The attack on Israel was so terrible that President Biden actually had to condemn it. In the past he always praised Hamas for their unprovoked attacks and condemned Israel when they responded to defend themselves. He seems to feel that if he is generous toward Hamas that they will like him and accept peace. That is the same view they had of Hitler when he was attacking Europe. The nations felt that if they just humored him, he would settle down and be at peace. When you give in to a bully, it encourages him to be more bold and demand more. Hitler said he was going to take over the whole world. There is nothing you could give him to satisfy him because he wanted it all. He would not be satisfied with just a couple countries. Hamas has said they are going to wipe Israel off  the map. There is nothing you can give them to satisfy them. They want to destroy all of Israel. They aren’t going to be happy until Israel is gone. Israel is just a small speck compared to the huge Arab controlled world. It doesn’t stand a chance by itself. Hamas will not stop until the world makes it clear that they stand behind Israel and will help defend it.



Gun Control-B-D

05 Oct

Democrats say they are pushing for responsible gun ownership but have not pushed any legislation to promote gun safety and rely on limiting the availability of guns, which has proved a failure because criminals can still get guns. In addition, some bent on killing people have turned to bombs or other weapons when they could not get guns, though the media doesn’t report those because it doesn’t support their efforts to ban guns. The National Rifle Association and other conservative groups have been the ones pushing for laws requiring responsible gun use and safety training and providing that training. There is no public record of how many mass shootings have been prevented or limited by innocent citizens who were carrying guns and were able to take down the shooter before they could kill many people, because they don’t make spectacular news and would hurt the efforts of the media to ban guns.



Gun Control-B-C

05 Oct

Democrats say they support gun control, and whenever there is a mass shooting, they ramp up their calls for banning the sale and possession of firearms. Everywhere Democrats control, they have pushed for banning or limiting the sale of guns. However, gun control doesn’t work because many mass shooters have obtained their guns legally because they had nothing that would show up on a background check. Background checks did not prevent them from getting weapons. Others got the weapons from friends or family. It also deprives innocent citizens of weapons to defend themselves while criminals can get free access to guns on the Black market. As a result, cities controlled by Democrats are the most dangerous cities in America because the criminals have free reign without having to worry about being confronted with armed victims. Mass shooters who have lived have said they chose a place where guns were banned or would not be normally carried such as schools, churches, restaurants, and concerts, so they would not have to worry about being confronted by armed citizens.



Gun Control-B-B

20 Sep

The government is supposed to protect citizens, however Democrats have proposed a number of bills to control guns, which will do nothing to protect Americans. No mass shooter has acquired their guns through private sales. They were either purchased publicly, passing a background check, or stolen. It would only make it more difficult to buy or sell firearms, ensuring that a gun dealer will get a cut of the profit. It would also create a national gun registry allowing the government to know who has guns so they could confiscate your gun whenever they decides to do so. There has been no media publicity about these bills in spite of the impact they would have on the country. Cities and countries which limit guns have seen dramatic rises in gun deaths caused by criminals who ignore the law and deaths from knifings as criminals prey on citizens unable to defend themselves. The gun laws only curb the use of guns by honest citizens. The Democrats have proven how ineffective gun laws are. States and cities controlled by Democrats have the strictest gun laws in the country and they also have the highest rate of killing by guns. Chicago which has the strictest gun laws in the nation also has more shootings that anywhere else in the nation. While gun opponents talk about gun violence as if it is everywhere, the vast majority of violence occurs in only a few places which restrict the use  of guns. Mass shooters and other criminals target areas which restrict the use of guns where they do not have to fear running into someone with a  gun, and many mass shootings have been prevented when a bystander carrying a gun took the shooter down before he could kill many people, but the media doesn’t report those because they don’t support their anti-gun narrative.



Gun Control-B-A

20 Sep

Democrats say they are seeking responsible gun use however when they gained control of the House, they pushed a wide range of bills to promote their agenda. Talk is cheap but the truth lies in what they vote for. They pushed the “Universal Gun Registration Act” which would ban all private sale of guns and require they be handled through an authorized gun dealer. All guns would have to be registered through a national registry. While that sounds good, It would disarm the citizens and leave them at the mercy of criminals and terrorists who would not register their weapons. In addition, it is the first step dictators use to disarm their citizens and allow them to subdue the citizens. While people say that can’t happen here, we saw how far President Obama pushed the country towards government control using universal health care. Most provisions never went into effect but were truly scary. They are also pushing legislation which would ban gun sales to military age adults and to mandate ammo microstamping (to trace ammo-?). They are also pursuing the “Red Flag Gun Confiscation Bill” where they could take away your gun simply because someone said you posed a threat with no due process.



Violence-Gun Control-4-S

29 Mar

Liberals are again calling for gun control but they ignore their own guilt. They continue to push the narrative that we need to kill babies that get in our way. Although they claim they are just blobs  of tissue and not really babies, ultrasounds show that it really is a baby and we can now detect a heartbeat and even brain waves within a few weeks of conception, so we have plenty of evidence that it is a baby from very shortly after birth. Now they are pushing for freedom to kill them even after birth. Once you proclaim the right to kill someone that gets in your way, it is only a matter of defining who is getting in your way. Some say it is those who are elderly, critically sick or injured, or mentally ill, while others say it is those who feel life is no longer worth living. Liberals have spent fifty years teaching that life only has value when it benefits you and when it doesn’t, it is alright to eliminate it. If you say something long enough and often enough, people begin to believe it. In addition, many people feel that if something is legal, it must be alright. During the last fifty years, abortion was technically legal. It wasn’t really legal but the courts felt they could not protect the baby because it could not be proven to be a person. That allowed abortion to flourish. As  it flourished, a growing number of people have begun viewing it as acceptable. In addition, liberal politicians turn a blind eye to violence against conservatives and those who oppose violence, reenforcing the idea that violence is acceptable if someone gets in your way. You can outlaw abortion, but you will not stop it or the increasing violence until you convince people that killing is wrong. That is not going to occur overnight. We have the laws we need to stop abortion and violence, but the laws need to be enforced or they do no good. In addition, we need to stand up and be vocal in defense of those who cannot defend themselves.



Violence and Social Strife-2-Z

16 Dec

The Maltz Museum had a section on Hate. They included information on Hitler’s attempt to exterminate the Jews and a section on the American Civil Rights movement. I remember the Civil Rights movement well. Segregation like occurred before the Civil Rights movement breeds suspicion and fear. If you don’t know someone, you believe what others tell you about them. We have come a long way in race relations as Whites and Blacks have mingled and got to know each other.  It has done a great deal to break down old stereotypes and fears. However, President Obama did a great deal to stir up fear of Whites by Blacks and turn Blacks against Whites by drawing attention to every time a White police officer killed a Black person. He was aided by the liberal media that trumpeted every little incident like it was an earth shaking incident. In spite of the fact that Blacks are far more likely to be killed by another Black person then they are to be killed by a White person and the chances the White person will be a police officer is very small. That fear of Whites caused some Blacks to attack White people, particularly police officers. That stirred up increasing fear of Blacks by Whites. It is the old game of divide and conquer that the devil loves to play. It’s his favorite game. It is a game that Democrats are openly playing today. They are constantly accusing President Trump of every little thing and launching senseless investigations to discredit him and turn his supporters against him. They are also constantly attacking and demonizing Christians and Jews, just as Hitler did to the Jews in the 1940’s. Christians tried to ignore what Hitler was doing to the Jews until it was difficult to do much. Christians and Jews must not continue to ignore the current move in the same direction because it is becoming increasingly difficult to do much as liberals gain more power .



Violence and Social Strife-2-Y

16 Dec

My wife and I visited the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage just outside Cleveland, Oh and it was impressive.  It reminded me of how many Christians, especially evangelical Christians, ignore the Jews and the Old Testament. They feel the Old Testament is no longer relevant. The problem lies with the modern understanding of the Scriptures.  It’s not Biblical. Jesus said He didn’t come to abolish the law, but to fulfil it. It also says God’s Word will not pass away. God’s Word in the Old Testament is just as relevant today as in Jesus’ time. You can’t tell a child to love their brother or sister, because they don’t know what love is. They have to learn how by watching their parents love each other. Until they learn how, you must lay down the law. They are not to kill each other, steal from each other, etc. When man rejected God, he became like a baby who wants what it wants, when it wants it. God had to teach the Jews to obey the law, before they could learn to live it. The law must continue to exist for those who don’t know God or who have just learned about God, but have not yet learned what it means to love each other. The church often uses the Old Testament stories to teach children how to walk with God, but fail to see their own need to learn from it. Just as a child needs to learn to obey before he can become a mature individual, new Christians must learn to walk in obedience before they can become mature Christians. Many Christians look down on Jews and feel God has abandoned them, however God is merely waiting for them to recognize the truth and return to Him.  Jesus was a Jew and never rejected Judaism, He merely condemned the Jewish leaders who had corrupted Judaism and rejected Him. In addition, most of the early Christians were Jews. The Bible says that in the last days, the eyes of the Jews will be opened, and they will turn to Him. We are seeing Jews turning to God in previously unknown numbers as they recognize the truth of God’s Word. Pray for more Jews to see the truth.