Posts Tagged ‘Sanctity of Life’

Sanctity of Life-F-F

18 Nov

Men today are getting vasectomies in protest over the overturning of Roe vs Wade. If they had done that in the first place, there would have been no reason for Roe vs Wade. Roe vs Wade was pushed because people want to have their fun and not suffer the consequences, but everything has consequences. The time comes in everything when you have to face up to it, you can’t keep running. Roe vs Wade opened up a flood of people having sex outside marriage. It also opened up a flood of rape and incest as people thought they could have fun and not pay the price. Unfortunately, the girls are having to pay the price. They are being pressured to have sex or it is forced on them and then they are abandoned as soon as they get pregnant.  Our country literally threw its sisters and daughters to the lions and we are paying the price. They tell you once the baby is aborted, the problem is solved. Their problem, unwanted babies, is solved and they are richer, but the women or girls often continue to suffer physically and emotionally and those who push abortion don’t want to be bothered.





25 Aug

The Supreme Court has ruled that religious organizations are exempt and are still free to decide for themselves whether to conduct same-sex marriages or not but government employees must do so. While the Supreme Court upheld the rights of religious institutions to be guided by their faith, they abolished the right of persons of faith who work for the government to be guided by their faith. I am certain now that a precedence has been set allowing the Supreme Court to set aside the Constitution when it gets in the way of their agenda, we will see attempts to get the Supreme Court to repeal that exemption, just as we have seen attempts by President Biden and many of his public officials to force religious institutions to conduct abortions and to support Gay marriages in violation of the Supreme Court decision. The liberal press has severely criticized judges who seek to uphold the Constitution because they stand in the way of liberals imposing their will on the American people. Chief Justice John Roberts proclaimed that when five Supreme court judges can ignore the Constitution and ignore the will of the people, imposing their will on the country, there is nothing left between us and a socialist dictatorship. Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected, and serve for life. They can only be removed by impeachment to isolate them from political pressure but it can’t protect us from Supreme Court justices who put their own agenda before the will of the people.




25 Aug

The Democrats are calling for judicial reform but we have to ask what they are changing and how they are changing it. Our country was founded on the rule of law and the Biblical principle that no one is above the law, including the President. The Constitution was the law of the land and the Supreme Court the final say regarding the application of federal laws. However, we are seeing increasing Democrat appointed judges who have taken the law into their own hands and bent it to promote their agenda. We are seeing how far our country has fallen. In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs Wade that the States could not enforce voter enacted laws protecting unborn children in spite of the Constitution’s declaration protecting the right to life. In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled  in Obergefell vs Hodges, that the laws of the States that banned same sex marriages were unconstitutional and that same sex couples have a right to marry. In doing so, the Supreme Court openly violated the Constitution by overturning laws exacted by the people of the States that were in force. They believe that the Supreme Court can overturn a legitimate vote of the people and the people no longer have any vote on the matter. The Constitution does not give the Supreme Court the right to rule in cases of State laws. By ruling that the laws were unenforceable or unconstitutional, it in effect repealed those laws.  The Constitution specifically states that anything not delegated to the U.S. government is the jurisdiction of the States. The 2015 ruling dealt with the institution of marriage which the Constitution never delegated to the federal government so it has no jurisdiction over it. The Supreme Court should not even been ruling on the case. In overturning Roe vs Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that unborn babies were subject  to the protection of the courts. While it allows the States to enact their own laws regarding unborn babies, the federal government and all federal agencies and officials are bound to protect them by the Constitution, yet President Biden and multiple federal agencies and officials continue to support and even mandate abortions in open violation of the Constitution.




Sanctity of Life-F-E

31 Jul

Abortion supporters claim a woman has a right to control her own body and that is true. She can decide whether or not to have sex. If she decides to have sex, she must accept responsibility for any children that result. Once she is pregnant, it effects someone else besides her. The baby is also affected and  that is not her body. It has a distinct DNA and often a different blood type. With rights come responsibility. As a product of her decision, she is responsible to protect the child from the moment of conception to the age of 18 when it becomes an adult and able to decide for itself. The child cannot protect itself. If the mother does not protect it, society has a responsibility to step in and protect it. If the mother claims that it has her DNA and so she can decide for it, then the husband should have just as much of a say as the mother because the child has as much of his DNA as it does of the mother’s. Abortion supporters say that it is different with cases of rape and incest because the mother does not consent. However all laws against abortion before Roe vs Wade allowed exceptions for rape and incest so it is no excuse for allowing abortion on demand up to and including birth, which is what abortion providers seek.



Sanctity of Life-F-D

31 Jul

Democrats state they support women’ reproductive rights. Women are rarely told about any problems that could arise from having an abortion. In fact, abortion providers try to rush the woman into a decision to have an abortion so that she will not consider alternatives. Abortion providers actually fight any attempt to require them to inform women about the dangers and possible consequences that can result from abortions. While they stress that a woman should have a right to choose to have an abortion, they do not want her to get information so she can make an informed choice. While laws require a woman be informed about the dangers and consequences of other medical procedures, abortion providers ignore the law and fight any attempt to enact laws that would specifically require them to inform women seeking abortions. While abortion providers claim that pro-life organizations are engaged in a war against women, it is the pro-life organizations that are providing women with information on alternatives and fighting to protect women from unscrupulous abortion providers.




30 Jul

President Biden continues to issue executive orders which violate federal law. First. he has no authority to authorize funding, that is the responsibility of the Congress. Second, he has authorized funds for abortion overseas in violation of federal law (Hatch Act) prohibiting funds to support abortion overseas and ordered State Medicaid programs to pay for abortions for those traveling to the State from States that do not allow abortions. Medicaid funds are State funds and are not to be used for non-residents. He has also reinstated President Obama’s mandate that employer provided health insurance must provide coverage for abortion in spite of the law authorizing Obamacare which prohibits insurance coverage from covering abortion. He has even included churches and religious  organizations in spite of the Constitutional amendment prohibiting the government from interfering with the free expression of faith. Such open disregard for the rule of law is an afront to the American people. The people need to elect representatives to Congress who will uphold the law. The American people cannot be expected to obey the laws of this nation if its leaders do not.


Election issues-A

19 Jun

The Supreme Court has overturned Roe vs Wade and declared that the baby is a person and so protected by the courts. However, the federal government has not enacted laws to protect babies. As a result, it has become the obligation of the States to enact laws protecting babies. Ohio has enacted strict laws limiting abortion and protecting the mother by requiring facilities be licensed and inspected. While laws in all States require medical facilities to be licensed and inspected, abortion supporters claim that under Roe vs Wade, they were not required to be licensed since the baby wasn’t a person protected by the law. It made no difference to them that the mother was a person protected by the law and the laws were enacted to protect her.  They felt they were above the law simply because they performed abortions. Ohio responded by enacting laws specifically requiring abortion clinics be licensed to protect the mother.  Planned Parenthood is targeting Ohio and other pro-life States. They are seeking to overturn the pro-life laws currently in effect by pushing through a Constitutional amendment in November that will not only open Ohio to unlimited abortion up to birth, it will also wipe out all the current laws protecting the mother. Currently, it is easy to enact Constitutional amendments. The federal government requires a 2/3 majority of Congress and an approval of 3/4th of the Staes. Only 27 amendments have been enacted since it was ratified in 1788. Ohio currently only requires a simple majority and has had 187 amendments since 1803. It is open to being amended anytime someone feels like pushing a ballot issue and can get half the people to vote for it. As a result, the Ohio legislature has enacted a law setting up a special ballot issue in August to raise the requirement to 60%.  This has great importance, not only for the abortion ballot issue, but for all future attempts to amend the Constitution. The Constitution should be a sacred document and only amended with strong support from its citizens. No issue as important as whether to kill unborn babies should be left to a simple majority. The amendment in August would make it more difficult for Planned Parenthood to pass their amendment in November, as well as make it more difficult to pass any future attempts to amend the Ohio Constitution. Up until 1973, all States had laws banning abortion and the vast majority of people supported laws against abortion. In 1973 Roe vs Wade ruled that we did not know when life began and so the courts could not protect the baby. It never ruled that abortion was legal, however it prevented the courts from enforcing laws against abortion.  It opened the door to a profitable abortion business which has operated openly without fear of court interference. Most people took it that since the abortion businesses were operating openly, it must not be bad. Three generations have grown up believing abortion was legal. While a majority still oppose abortion, many do only half-hearted and cannot be depended on to oppose it. The life of hundreds of thousands of babies should not be left up to a simple majority.


Sanctity of Life-A-2-K

14 Jun

While those supporting abortion claim it is a simple procedure with no lasting effects, the fact is that they do not follow up to see if there are any ill effects. There are far more physical complications then they will admit. Occasionally the abortionist punctures the wall of the uterus. Some of the women may be transported to the hospital but clinics try to hide them so word won’t get out. Many of the women are released with excessive bleeding and told it will stop soon. They either believe the doctor and bleed to death or ignore the advice and go to the hospital where the doctors may or may not be able to save them. Many women are rendered unable to have future children. However, a far greater problem is the emotional suffering which can last for many years. While no mention is made of men, many men involved with the decision also suffer far reaching emotional distress. Care Net has developed a website to help those suffering from emotional distress resulting from an abortion at  .



Sanctity of LIfe-A-2-J

08 Jun

President Biden has begun cutting off health care funds for women to those States like Tennessee that protect  babies from abortion. It is apparent that he has no concern for women’s health, they are just pawns in his grab for power. He is willing to jeopardize the health and lives  of women just to blackmail States into legalizing abortion. The Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade and ruled that babies are people and the courts have jurisdiction to protect them. The Constitution states that everyone is granted certain rights including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and all federal employees and agencies are bound by the Constitution to protect those rights. As such, President Biden is in open violation of the Constitution which is an impeachable offence. The Constitution states that all authority not granted to the federal government is the authority of the separate States. Individual States have since taken a stand for or against abortion and are answerable to their constituents, but President Biden has no right or authority to overrule the State laws since health regulations are not specifically granted to the federal government and are therefore the authority of the States. In 2024, we will elect a new President and a number of representatives to Congress. We need to elect a President and representatives to Congress who will respect the rule of law and the authority granted to the States.


Sanctity of Life-GB-A

19 May

Canada is not expanding its program of assisted suicide while doing nothing to repair its failing healthcare system. Canada reported that 10,000 people died there by assisted suicide in 2021. It is only another stop on the slippery slope. Once you declare that life in the womb is expendable, it begins a slide that can only lead downward. When Canada created a universal health care system, a government agency took over supervision of the health care system. If the patient was critically ill or critically injured and the treatment was too expensive and the outcome was uncertain, the panel would simply deny treatment. Effectively condemning the person to suffer until they died. However, since many did not die right away, it became expensive caring for them until they died and so Canada opened the door to Euthanasia to relieve pressure on its health care system. While at first, it was at the patient’s request, the government panel was eventually allowed to order it to save the cost of treatment which would only maintain them but could not cure them. Eventually, they expanded the definition to include mental illness or stress. That would include those who lost hope of getting treated by the failing health care system or of getting housing or other necessities who would request termination. Many nations in Europe are following the same path. That is the path that the United States will follow if we do not reassert the value of life.  After over 45 years of legalized abortion, many people have lost the sense of the value of life. While a majority still oppose abortion, liberal politicians have been forcing it on us through the courts and through legislation.  Now they are pushing to allow killing unwanted children up to 28 days after birth. California has now legalized that and other States are considering it, however many abortionists have been secretly practicing it already while liberal prosecutors turn a blind eye to it. Liberal politicians have also been pushing for a universal health care system similar to Canada which would place the decision to offer or withhold treatment into the hands of a government committee.