Sanctity of Life-F-E

31 Jul

Abortion supporters claim a woman has a right to control her own body and that is true. She can decide whether or not to have sex. If she decides to have sex, she must accept responsibility for any children that result. Once she is pregnant, it effects someone else besides her. The baby is also affected and  that is not her body. It has a distinct DNA and often a different blood type. With rights come responsibility. As a product of her decision, she is responsible to protect the child from the moment of conception to the age of 18 when it becomes an adult and able to decide for itself. The child cannot protect itself. If the mother does not protect it, society has a responsibility to step in and protect it. If the mother claims that it has her DNA and so she can decide for it, then the husband should have just as much of a say as the mother because the child has as much of his DNA as it does of the mother’s. Abortion supporters say that it is different with cases of rape and incest because the mother does not consent. However all laws against abortion before Roe vs Wade allowed exceptions for rape and incest so it is no excuse for allowing abortion on demand up to and including birth, which is what abortion providers seek.




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