Conservatives have begun to talk about government control being necessary in light of widespread censorship by the media and social media, however, it is dangerous because it is often hijacked by liberal politicians to censor Christians. While it seems to be the answer, government control has tended to support liberals and target conservatives. We are learning of increased pressure by the FBI to get the social media to censor conservatives and feeding them which posts to remove. Even when we had a conservative President, much of the deep State remained committed to liberals. Democrats continue to push for government control over the internet and have been crowing about how Silicon Valley pulled the wool over the eyes of what they called “the stupid Republicans” who ran the hearings on censorship in the media. Government action, if any, should seek to break up the monopolies held by liberal media opening social media up to competition, allowing conservatives to develop their own networks or find some way to get around the censorship, just as they have set up their own radio and TV stations, and magazines to counter the liberal media. Churches need to openly inform their members about important social issues and Christians need to be aggressive in passing along Bible-based material and the truth about Social issues and events to their friends. I have worked hard to keep Christians informed on Social issues and events but I can only reach so many. However, if others pass it on to their friends, and they pass it on to their friends, it will soon reach millions of people. Liberals are very aggressive on social media and doing everything they can to block those who promote the truth. It is easy for them to block big organizations from posting material but almost impossible to track millions of individuals who pick up the information and pass it on.
The Media-B-H