
17 Nov

It sounded like the liberal politicians were preparing people for foul play. They told people that the races where Republicans are ahead would be just red mirages since Democrats tend to vote later and through the mail. That sounds like they were planning a replay of the Georgia election in 2020. They will wait for most of the ballots to be counted and when they know how much they are going to lose by, a large number of mail-in ballots will show up with no envelope so there is no postmark and no signature to compare against the signature on the ballots so they can’t be verified as legitimate. Under mail-in rules, either lack of signature on the envelope or lack of postmark would disqualify them but the ones in charge of the counting chose to count them anyway and so a win for Trump became a win for Biden and it changed the election. While there may not have been any tampering with the vote, mail-in voting leaves a lot of room for tampering, which raises the possibility that there might have been. A lot of Republicans were ahead in the beginning of this election but as the night wore on, the tallies turned more for Democrats so the Democrats won the Senate though they lost the House. Mail-in ballots do not allow for ID or face verification like a walk-in ballot does. While a signature on the envelope and a postmark show it was mailed and the ballot was filled out by  the one that mailed in the ballot, it does not guarantee that the person mailing it is the one registered to vote. In addition, the ballot passes through many hands and any one of them could remove the ballots and replace them with a pre-made-up ballot. Without an envelope, there isn’t even any guarantee that it even came through the mail. It is very convenient to sit at home and drop your ballot in the mail but it is too easy for someone to tamper with the ballot enroute to the polling place.



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