
09 Jul

When politicians spend four years investigating a President and impeach him even though they found no evidence that he had committed any crimes, in order to prevent him from investigating crimes they have committed, it shows how little they think of our legal system. When the voters then vote them back into office, it shows how little many voters pay attention to how their elected officials perform in office.  People tell me they are pro-life but vote for someone who openly promotes abortion and requires taxpayers to pay for it. It doesn’t matter what a politician promises or where he says he stands, it is when he gets in office and votes that proves where he stands. When a voter votes for a politician, he is authorizing that politician to vote in his place. The politician casts his vote as a representative of the people who elected him. Essentially, his vote is their vote.  When they reelect him, they are putting their stamp of approval on what he voted for.



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