
15 Jun

Voters Beware-The Ohio Education is promoting the “Fair Schooling Act” but it is anything but “fair”.  Recently Ohio passed legislation which expanded Ohio’s program to give vouchers to families whose children attend failing public schools to allow them to transfer their kids to higher quality schools nearby. The Ohio Education Association and far-left politicians are afraid of losing more of their monopoly on teaching Ohio’s students and are fighting back by trying to deceive voters into thinking they care about quality education so they can promote their radical agenda. The public schools have seen an increasing decline in education, but the National Education Association and State affiliates continue to dumb down education standards to hide their declining levels of education. Parents should be free to move their children to better schools when their local school fails to adequately teach their children. In addition, competition would force the public schools to improve their level of education to prevent losing more students. With a virtual monopoly on education, they can continue to push their liberal agenda, which devalues life leading to more school shootings, promotes sex education which promotes sexual promiscuity and leads to more abortions, and attacks the family where moral values are taught. Parents should have more freedom to choose the best school for their children, not less.


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