Some States are beginning to mandate that the Ten Commandments be taught in the public schools and many people are saying it violates the teaching of religion. However, the Ten Commandments are not strictly a product of Judaism and Christianity. Just about every culture has laws that forbid killing, stealing, lying, and others. The difference between the Ten Commandments and other laws is that the Ten Commandments are given by God. It is generally accepted that those who make the laws can change them. If God made them, no man can change them. Those made by man may be changed by those that make them, or by those called to interpret them. We are seeing the difference in the United States today. Judges who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law restrict themselves to interpreting the laws passed by Congress and the people while those who believe laws are man-made feel they can ignore the law when it interferes with what they want to do, or they can use it to harass their opponents and overlook it when it affects their friends. In the mid-1900’s, the Ten Commandments were firmly imbedded in our government and judicial system and people generally respected the law. There were those who disobeyed the law and they were usually punished but they made up a small portion of the population. Today, the Ten Commandments is banned from many schools and court rooms and the Constitution and laws passed by Congress and the people are often ignored or twisted to fit the person’s purpose. As a result, we see widespread lawlessness on our streets and in our political arena. Many judges and politicians feel they are above the law and the people follow their leaders. The police can only do so much. Laws may prevent killing or stealing, or lying when they are enforced, but they cannot prevent the hatred that produces killing, the greed that produces stealing, or the deceitfulness that prevents lying. Those feelings can only be contained when a person respects his neighbor, their property, and their reputation. It is that respect for man, his possessions, and his reputation that are taught in the Ten Commandments. If a person does not respect his neighbor, he will lie, steal, and even kill if he thinks he can get away with it. I wrote a series of study courses based on the values set down in the Ten Commandments to illustrate the difference between man’s values and the values God set down in the Ten Commandments.