
09 Jun

Many schools are now teaching the “Critical Race Theory” and our kids are being indoctrinated with it. Many parents don’t know it is being taught in their school, but some parents are fighting back and demanding school boards remove it. We need more people to join them and put pressure on the school boards. It teaches that America is a White supremacist nation and that all Whites are racist. It also feels that you are racist if you support the American culture. It is being pushed by the media and is infiltrating our schools, our government, and our military. It is a revival of the old Marxist doctrine of class conflict which has been resurrected as race conflict to divide this country and encourage violence. Discrimination and racial tension were pretty much dying out in this country until recently when the media and liberal politicians began highlighting isolated incidents and blowing them all out of proportion. It highlights when White police kill a Black man even if it is in self-defense, while ignoring the fact that hundreds of innocent Blacks, including many children are killed by other Blacks every day in the inner cities. It also ignores the fact more Whites are killed by police than Blacks. It also ignores racism against Blacks who are lighter skinned by Blacks who are darker skinned. It also ignores racism against Hispanics and Asians by Blacks and Whites. I could go on. It is easy to believe stereotypes of people of other races and nationalities until you get to know them and realize they aren’t like that at all. The church must build bridges to help develop understanding between those of different races and nationalities to reduce racism as we did in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It worked then and can work now.


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