Violence and Social Strife-D-N

30 Aug

Democrats say they want to reduce racial discrimination by police. The media continues to play up the death of the Black man being arrested by police in Minnesota. They make him out to be an innocent bystander attacked by police, but the fact is, he had a long violent criminal record and was high on drugs at the time. We don’t know what resistance he put up before finally being subdued. The one video recording it conveniently left that out. Reports are that he didn’t die on the street but died later in the ambulance after he slipped out of his handcuffs and died of a drug-induced heart attack while making a violent attempt to escape. It is hard to make any judgement without all the facts. Our media today seems to portray what they want you to believe and leaves out a lot of facts needed to make an intelligent decision. That contrasted with a more recent incident in St Louis where a Black security officer was gunned down when he responded to an alarm at a pawn shop. He interrupted a group of looters who were in the process of looting the pawn shop and they shot him. Although he was Black and just doing his job, he lost his life, yet it was never mentioned on the media. Apparently Black lives only matter to them if they can use it to stir up social strife.



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