
07 Jun

Parents have a right to protect their children against such destructive philosophies and should be able to choose what their children are taught. It was instilled in our educational system from the very beginning. School funding was set up so each school district funded its own schools. Each district had a school board elected by the voters of that school district. Since most families had children, that ensured that parents directed what their children were taught through the school board members  they elected. Liberal educators have tried to hijack the school systems by increasingly injecting State and federal funds to supplement local taxes under the disguise of making schools more equitable. City schools originally had more funding then rural areas due to the factories and businesses. However, as factories, businesses, and higher income families have moved to the suburbs, it has impoverished the city schools. While it is important to help poorer school districts, liberal politicians have poured money into rich school districts as well as poor ones and have used federal and State dollars to manipulate and control school districts. They use the threat of withholding funds to force schools to adopt liberal policies and practices, against parent’s wishes. Today, parents have very little say in what their kids are taught. In addition, educators have sought to shield their liberal teachings from parents so most parents have no idea what is being taught. Covid forced children to study at home allowing parents a glimpse of what is being taught. In addition, public schools have benefited from a virtual monopoly on education. Public education is free to residents of the district, paid for through taxes. Those who choose alternative schools must not only pay taxes to support the public schools, they must also pay for their children’s education. Only the rich could afford to send their kids to the school of their choice. As a result, the vast majority of children are forced to attend public schools. Without competition, the public schools have had no pressure to maintain quality education and public school standards have seriously declined over the years while private schools continue to maintain high standards. We are rapidly returning to a society dominated by the rich which our forefathers fought so hard to prevent. If parents are to have any say in what their children are taught and ensure they get a quality education, they must have a say in where their children attend.



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