Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category


06 Jul

While some say that is not fair because the rich pay more, they are better able to afford it. There are certain drawbacks to the graduated tax. It does create an incentive to reduce taxable income to stay in a lower tax bracket. If someone earns too much, it will put him in a higher tax bracket at a higher tax rate. How much of that is done is hard to estimate. The problem comes with the deductions. There is no problem with the standard deduction because poor people can’t afford taxes  on what little they get though setting the amount of deduction is tricky. Too much and a lot of people can get out of paying taxes, too little and it makes it hard on the working poor who don’t make enough to live on. The real problem comes with deductions. Our system has become so complex many people need professional tax preparers to fill them out and that is costly. While there is no problem with deductions for necessary expenses, it can be abused by throwing  in all kinds of non-related expenses. Having a party with friends would not qualify if it is not related to the business. There are also incentives to encourage things like charitable giving. Incentives encourage people to put money in certain purchases or activities. A certain amount of giving is assumed though that may not actually take place. Certain types of income are also exempt from taxes. The rich have money to do so while the poor do not. Smart people with money can put money in tax shelters and may pay less than lower income people who can’t afford shelters. Exemptions and deductions seek to balance the tax burden but may make it worse if not properly set up.              While some call for a straight tax, I don’t think they would get much support. .



06 Jul

Democrats say they support a progressive tax which is good. We already have a progressive tax at the federal level, however, many State and city taxes are straight taxes. A straight tax is where everyone is taxed equally. For instance everyone is taxed at 10 %. That seems fair but it puts a heavier burden on the poor. A millionaire can afford ten percent but someone earning just enough to live on can’t afford ten percent, so we have a progressive tax where the higher your income, the higher percentage of tax you pay.  That way the rich carry a heavier part of the burden. That may seem unfair but it puts the burden on those who can best afford it. However, the problems are in the details. Those earning less than needed for a basic living still suffer. As a result, we have a standard deduction for the taxpayer and any dependents to allow a minimum basic income before the taxes begin to exempt those earning below a living wage. That helps them to put all their income into surviving. We have a system where the tax is taken out as it is earned. That is good because there is no allocated tax burden waiting for you at the end of the year, if you lose your job. There are also deductions for work-related expenses for those who are self-employed. An employee gets paid for his work and gets to use all that for what he needs to live on, however someone who is self-employed does not get to keep all he earns. If he buys books for $5.00 each and sells them for $10.00, he can’t keep all that. He must use $5.00 from each book to buy more books to sell. As a result, our tax system allows him to exempt the cost of the books he purchases and other expenses like rent, utilities, and other expenses that are needed to sell the books. That is far since he is only taxed on what he gets to keep.




25 Jun

Democrats say Republicans want to increase the burden on families. Wild Democrat spending is creating runaway inflation, and increased taxes and interest rates are putting a further burden on families and depressing the economy, while the budget cuts and tax cuts instituted by President Trump, curbed rising inflation, eased the burden on families, and stimulated the economy creating jobs, which meant more people working and fewer on government assistance. Many Seniors took advantage of the available jobs under President Trump to take part-time jobs to supplement their Social Security and pad their retirement savings. While Democrats say Republican proposals will weaken the economy, President Trump showed that they will stimulate the economy and expanded it while President Biden has shown how Democrat policies have weakened the economy and shrunk it as more people have gone on government assistance. Social Security and wages from jobs have not kept pace with inflation and many workers  and Senior Citizens are struggling to make ends meet. When it comes to favors for special interest groups, the facts are even more telling. President Obama handed out billions of dollars to special interest groups in order to buy votes. The President is not granted the power to authorize spending outside the budget, allocating funds is the job of Congress. President Trump canceled those spending orders to help balance the budget, but President Biden reinstated them as soon as he took office. If voters are going to vote based on the state of the economy, they need to know the facts. Our media no longer reports the news objectively but has become a propaganda arm of the Democratic party.




25 Jun

Americans say their number one concern going into the election is the state of the economy. Democrats are using the economy to push for votes in the upcoming election but true to form, they are showing little respect for the truth. Brendon Boyle, leading Democrat on the Budget Committee made the following statement to illustrate their goals. He stated that they were going to make Americans aware of the fact that Republicans want to force Americans to work longer for less, raise family costs, weaken our nation, and shrink our economy, all while wasting billions of dollars on more favors to on more favors to special interests and handouts to the ultra-wealthy. That sounds bad but is totally misleading. Yes, Republicans want  people to work longer. Formerly, people worked as long as able and  died shortly after retirement. There were a lot of workers paying into Social Security and few people drawing out of it. It built up a huge surplus which Democrats raided to fund their social programs so the fund now has to depend on income from workers currently working.  Many people now retire at 65 or even at 62 while they are still healthy so they can enjoy their retirement, so Senior Citizens now make up a large and growing part  of our population, but there are fewer and fewer people working, because of the declining birth rate due to abortion and families having fewer children, because an increasing number are on welfare where they can make more than working minimum wage jobs, and because they retire early. As a result, a few people are supporting a growing majority of the population. That is unsustainable. Raising the retirement Many people are healthy and able to work 30 years or more after retiring.  Raising the retirement age a year or two will not be a big burden and will mean thousands of people who will be paying in instead of drawing out. It only makes sense to raise the retirement age if it means those who can no longer work are able to continue getting benefits. Without it, Social Security will run out and nobody will get it. The Democrats say they can do it without raising the retirement age but it is all illusion. They want to raise Social Security taxes further straining family budgets and increase taxes to the rich which will not even cover the added benefits they promise to low income Seniors, let alone extend the duration of Social Security. With Republican changes, seniors won’t face the cuts in benefits threatened if the funds run low, but the Democrat solution will force more cuts sooner, so it is the Democrats that want Seniors to live on less.




10 May

Democrats are back to their old game of pushing spending to the limit and then asking to raise the debt limit to allow them to spend more. You cannot continue spending without limits. The debt limits were passed to force the government to live within its budget. It does no good to keep raising the debt limit so you can continue spending. Democrats are willing to threaten the stability of the country to get what they want. They refuse to accept budget cuts without an increase in the debt limits. It will do no good to make budget cuts to get a raise in the debt ceiling and then return to spending once it is passed which is what they have done over the last fourteen years. President Trump made significant budget cuts without raising the ceiling, but President Biden canceled those cuts and returned to reckless spending. Unless they agree to make budget cuts and retain the current debt ceiling, nothing will change. We cannot continue spending with no end in sight. It has to stop and stop now, or we will continue to face threats of a government shutdown if we don’t keep raising the debt limit.




27 Mar

President Biden continues to take the law into his own hands and use his office to override the will of Congress and the American people. He has used the FBI and the Dept of Justice to harass and threaten former President Trump, conservatives involved in opposing abortions, and parents involved in protecting their children. He has used his office to force federal employees to get Covid shots and to violate State laws by performing abortions and distributing abortion inducing drugs in States that outlaw abortions. He has now pushed through regulations to make millions of gun owners who legally own guns and use them responsibly into criminals if they don’t register their guns and/ or get rid of them. Such regulations will not make our streets any safer, all they will do is tell the government where the guns are so they can seize them if they choose. They claim to be making the streets safer but their regulations have done the opposite. In major cities who have the strictest gun laws, they also have the highest rate of gun deaths because the criminals have guns and do not have to be afraid that those they attack will be armed because the government took the guns away from the general public. All we have to do is compare the results of Presidents like Calvin Coolidge and Franklin Roosevelt to see the results that come from a presidency that allows Americans to shape their own future on the one hand and those that try to solve the problems through government control on the other. For those not familiar with those Presidents, I have posted videos on them on my Facebook and Linked-in pages.




17 Mar

While the bank’s failure resulted from poor management by the bank, it was made worse by government manipulation of the economy. The BTFP provides temporary loans to insure banks can cover deposits so they don’t fail and the FDIC guarantees losses when banks fail, but they are designed to help in a limited crisis during a normal economy. President Trump built up a stable economy and when Covid hit, it created a temporary crisis. President Trump provided stimulus money to help those out of work during the shutdown and used BTFP funds to help banks weather the crisis which was helpful. However, President Biden prolonged the shutdown after the initial crisis was over, prolonging the crisis. In addition, he continued to pour out stimulus money discouraging workers from returning to work. He is still giving out stimulus money. It continues to prolong the crisis. It has also disrupted the economy that was needed to help the banks recover. Banks don’t just put the money that is deposited in a vault and wait for you to come get it. They loan it out at interest to make the money needed to operate with the confidence that it will be repaid before you come to get it. They depend on regular deposits to supply the money they need to loan out. Many  people are using  the stimulus money to live on and delaying returning to work rather than saving it. In addition, with a deteriorating economy and high inflation fueled by massive government spending, depositors don’t have the money to deposit and have reduced deposits to cover their needs, so the banks don’t have the money on hand they need to cover withdrawals. In addition, the federal government has been raising interest rates to combat inflation, so banks are forced to borrow money at high interest to cover loans they have made at low interest. Higher interest rates have also discouraged borrowing so there isn’t as much interest coming in to cover operating costs.




17 Mar

The system has stacked up layers that spread the risk. In a normal economy, one bank may fail, but a regional bank is backing it so it is no problem because the regional banks are dealing with a lot of local banks who can help absorb the loss. A region may be hit by a disaster, but the regional bank is supported by the federal banking system which is supported by all the regional banks. If the federal banking system runs short, they can draw on the World Monetary Fund. It is like an insurance policy. In simple terms, if you have 100 people paying into a policy, and they each pay $100 a month, in 10 months it builds a fund of $100,000. If someone has an accident, totaling $15,000, it is covered by the fund. It is no problem if several have accidents because they can all be covered. It is very unlikely that everyone is going to have an accident. Since people are constantly paying premiums, it is constantly replenishing money paid out in settlements. If there was a hurricane and it wiped out all the cars, the company would have to fold because they couldn’t cover the losses.  That is where the banking failure gets scary.




17 Mar

Funds to help the banks will come from the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) which makes short term loans to shore up financial institutions during a financial crisis, The BTFP allows the FDIC to provide additional funds to banking institutions to make sure they have the funds to meet needs of their depositors, accepting collateral not normally accepted. It is backed by funds from the Exchange Stabilization Fund. That includes assets normally considered too risky. It allows the FDIC to trade credits with the U.S. Treasury in order to draw funds. It can also draw Special Drawing Rights from the World Monetary Fund (WMF). They aren’t currency but are a claim on funds held by the WMF.  It spreads the risk. Large banks support small banks with loans to cover their loans, enabling small banks to loan beyond their ability to cover their loans. By guaranteeing all deposits, the government has eliminated the risk, and eliminating the risk has a downside.  Banks are normally cautious how they use their funds to limit their loses, however, without risk, they are tempted to take any risk that will net them a profit.  That is courting disaster.




17 Mar

The shell game continues as President Biden promises to guarantee all the deposits in the failed banks while guaranteeing that no money will come from taxpayers. It will come from the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) which guarantees losses in case of bank failure up to $250, 000. That fund is supported by deposits made by the banks as insurance premiums in the event they fail. However, President Biden is guaranteeing all deposits, even those exceeding the $250,000 limit so if losses exceed that limit, it will come out of taxpayer dollars. Since small depositors will fall within the $250,000 limit, it is the large depositors that President Biden is benefiting. So essentially, the government is using taxpayer funds to benefit the rich. In addition, President Biden has also made a bold move that may bring down our entire banking system. He has stated that the government will not bail out the banks, but has promised to protect depositors of the failed banks. While bailouts support the bank to keep it in business, guaranteeing deposits is a literal takeover of the banking system, where the government, not the bank handles the banking.