
25 Jun

Americans say their number one concern going into the election is the state of the economy. Democrats are using the economy to push for votes in the upcoming election but true to form, they are showing little respect for the truth. Brendon Boyle, leading Democrat on the Budget Committee made the following statement to illustrate their goals. He stated that they were going to make Americans aware of the fact that Republicans want to force Americans to work longer for less, raise family costs, weaken our nation, and shrink our economy, all while wasting billions of dollars on more favors to on more favors to special interests and handouts to the ultra-wealthy. That sounds bad but is totally misleading. Yes, Republicans want  people to work longer. Formerly, people worked as long as able and  died shortly after retirement. There were a lot of workers paying into Social Security and few people drawing out of it. It built up a huge surplus which Democrats raided to fund their social programs so the fund now has to depend on income from workers currently working.  Many people now retire at 65 or even at 62 while they are still healthy so they can enjoy their retirement, so Senior Citizens now make up a large and growing part  of our population, but there are fewer and fewer people working, because of the declining birth rate due to abortion and families having fewer children, because an increasing number are on welfare where they can make more than working minimum wage jobs, and because they retire early. As a result, a few people are supporting a growing majority of the population. That is unsustainable. Raising the retirement Many people are healthy and able to work 30 years or more after retiring.  Raising the retirement age a year or two will not be a big burden and will mean thousands of people who will be paying in instead of drawing out. It only makes sense to raise the retirement age if it means those who can no longer work are able to continue getting benefits. Without it, Social Security will run out and nobody will get it. The Democrats say they can do it without raising the retirement age but it is all illusion. They want to raise Social Security taxes further straining family budgets and increase taxes to the rich which will not even cover the added benefits they promise to low income Seniors, let alone extend the duration of Social Security. With Republican changes, seniors won’t face the cuts in benefits threatened if the funds run low, but the Democrat solution will force more cuts sooner, so it is the Democrats that want Seniors to live on less.



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