
25 Jun

Democrats say Republicans want to increase the burden on families. Wild Democrat spending is creating runaway inflation, and increased taxes and interest rates are putting a further burden on families and depressing the economy, while the budget cuts and tax cuts instituted by President Trump, curbed rising inflation, eased the burden on families, and stimulated the economy creating jobs, which meant more people working and fewer on government assistance. Many Seniors took advantage of the available jobs under President Trump to take part-time jobs to supplement their Social Security and pad their retirement savings. While Democrats say Republican proposals will weaken the economy, President Trump showed that they will stimulate the economy and expanded it while President Biden has shown how Democrat policies have weakened the economy and shrunk it as more people have gone on government assistance. Social Security and wages from jobs have not kept pace with inflation and many workers  and Senior Citizens are struggling to make ends meet. When it comes to favors for special interest groups, the facts are even more telling. President Obama handed out billions of dollars to special interest groups in order to buy votes. The President is not granted the power to authorize spending outside the budget, allocating funds is the job of Congress. President Trump canceled those spending orders to help balance the budget, but President Biden reinstated them as soon as he took office. If voters are going to vote based on the state of the economy, they need to know the facts. Our media no longer reports the news objectively but has become a propaganda arm of the Democratic party.



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