Archive for the ‘Marriage’ Category

Gay Rights-1-B

27 Jan

By 2015, the vast majority of States had passed laws or constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and a woman. In 2015, the Supreme Court issued an unconstitutional decision when it required all States and the federal government to accept the Gay definition of marriage. Regulating marriage is the jurisdiction of the States and the Supreme Court only has jurisdiction over laws that transcend State boundaries. The Supreme Court overstepped its authority when it struck down the State law in North Carolina defining marriage as between a man and a woman since the law pertained only to North Carolina and was voted in by a vote of the voters of North Carolina. It also violates God’s law which defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Some States have proposed laws declaring the Supreme Court decision non-binding in their State because it exceeds the boundaries set by the Constitution. Voters in other States should urge their State representatives to enact similar bills.


Male-Female Relations-B

22 Sep

While liberals have criticized Christianity for its treatment of women, they ignore the fact that Christianity values women and motherhood far above most other religions. Most cultures and religions range from ignoring the value of women to enslaving them. Most of the benefits women enjoy are the result of Judaism and Christianity. Though men oversaw the business of the church, the women oversaw the needs of the community. They served formally and informally as teachers, nurses, and Social service workers caring for the needy in the community. Most of those who mistreat and devalue women in our society have nothing to do with the Christian faith. The wife-beaters and the pimps are not only outside the church but are strongly condemned by the church. While liberal women claim that society views women as sex objects, society as a whole, due to the influence of Christianity, condemned such a view. It is the liberal influence which has resulted in the increasing view of women as sex objects in our society. Liberal women, true to the liberal philosophy ignored the facts and used such arguments to open the door to allow women to use themselves as sex objects to attract men. Those pushing the liberal philosophy have opened the doors to the widespread exploitation of women we see today. As a result, it has been increasingly difficult to enforce laws protecting women from rape and children from incest. (See “Truly In The World, But Not Of It-part-A” under “”Women’s Liberation And Women’s Rights”) While they claim that they are pushing for the liberation of women, they have broken down the laws protecting women, which their mothers and grandmothers fought so hard for.


Previous Posts 8/12

02 Oct

This is the eighth in the series of previous posts and highlights
Marriage, Immigration, schools, Violence and Gun Control

Click on the links below to access those series.