Sanctity of Life-A-2-I

22 Jan

The Attorney Generals of 22 States have called  on the FDA to reverse its new policy on abortion pills.  Until recently the drugs were considered so dangerous that they could only be administered in a hospital setting with an attending physician present. However, the FDA has issued new guidelines at the urging of President Biden that allow it to be sold over the counter by licensed pharmacies with no medical supervision. It is hard to imagine that the previous restrictions are suddenly no longer needed. If it was felt to be that dangerous before, why isn’t it considered dangerous now? All pregnancies can cause severe bleeding and infection if the afterbirth does not come away clean. Abortion drugs increase the risk because the child is forcefully expelled and not a natural birth. Most natural births are attended by a doctor or midwife who can spot problems but the drugs can now be purchased over the counter or by mail and taken in the privacy of their own home where there won’t be any doctor or midwife present and the woman may be completely alone with no one available to summon help in case she has a medical emergency. The woman does not even need to consult a doctor before purchasing it to see if she is at risk of complications. It is irresponsible to dispense such dangerous drugs with no medical supervision.




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