Sanctity of Life-GC-A

16 Jan

The first bills passed by a new Congress indicate their top priorities. Democrats in the last 3-4 Congresses have chosen to start their  sessions by passing legislation that would open all elections in the country to widespread fraud by repealing all safeguards to protect the elections against fraud. They didn’t become law because Republicans opposed them. The Republicans opened the new Congress this month by passing a bill that would bar killing babies that are born alive. We aren’t talking about babies in the womb that you can lie and say they aren’t babies and people will believe it if they don’t know any better and aren’t allowed to see the ultrasounds. These are babies that are born and seen by doctors and nurses. They are breathing on their own. To kill them is cold-blooded murder. Republicans passed the bill after California enacted legislation to allow doctors to kill a baby up to 28 days after it is born. The bill won’t get enacted into law because the Senate won’t pass it and President Biden will not sign it, but it puts legislators on record. Liberal congressmen showed just how determined they are to kill babies. They condemned the bill as extreme and stated that Americans do not support it. The fact is that the majority of Americans oppose abortion and are overwhelmingly against killing live babies after they are born. If the American people were to vote on the bill, they would pass it without question. If the Congressmen who voted against the bill get reelected in the next election, it will mean either Americans no longer have any backbone to stand up for what they believe, or they are so greedy, they will sell their children in return for government handouts. The only other reason would be that the elections are fixed so the people don’t get to express their will.



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