Government finances-II-F

23 Aug

The Bible says that there will be a world dictator who will seize control in the last days but it does not say when it will occur. It could be any time. For that to happen, there must be a world-wide crisis that will force the nations to unite under one world government. President Obama pushed the nation deep into debt to support his failing economic policies. He supported his spending by printing trillions of dollars of money which was worthless because the money was not backed by anything. It was basically a promise to pay. President Trump reversed many of those policies and tried to get us back on a firm financial policy, but President Biden has restored many of those policies and inflation has returned. That is dangerous since most nations today are stockpiling American dollars because it is more sound than any other currency. That contained inflation temporarily. However, many nations are seeing the possible collapse of the American dollar and shifting to precious metals and other currencies so that we could face a sudden collapse in the value of the American dollar as other nations begin selling them off. If that happens, American dollars could become worthless overnight causing the collapse of our economy. If the United States collapses, it will take down a great deal of the world because they are so dependent on us and could easily lay the groundwork for a world-wide dictator to take power. I go into government and economics in “Truly In The World, But Not Of It-part B” under “Government” and “Economics”.



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