Sanctity of Life-A-4-P

24 Jul

Though abortion may be legal, it still requires the mother’s consent. Pro-abortion advocates do everything possible to convince the mother she has no other choice and abortion is her only alternative, from withholding information on alternatives to convincing young girls not to tell their parents for fear that the parents might convince her not to have an abortion. They seek to defeat laws requiring the woman get information on abortion and possible complications, in spite of the fact that current laws in every State require such information be given in all medical procedures, and an abortion is definitely a medical procedure. You can not make informed consent without knowing the dangers involved. The greatest deception of all is convincing the woman that it is just a blob of tissue and not a baby. If the woman knew it was a baby, it would be a lot harder for her to abort it. Pro-life centers find that 86% of women who see an ultrasound of the baby choose to keep it. While abortion providers do an ultrasound to determine the baby’s age, they don’t allow the mother to see it for fear that she will decide not to have the abortion. Many crisis pregnancy centers now have ultrasound equipment to show the mother the child in her. Few women allow their baby to be aborted once they see it is a perfectly formed and active child.


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