Sanctity of LIfe-A-4-O

24 Jul

Pro-abortion forces are now openly displaying their lack of respect for life and for the rule of law.  President Biden has directed the federal bureaucracy to do everything possible to get around State laws limiting abortions. He has directed them to explore putting abortion clinics on federal land in States banning abortion so women in those States can access abortions. In addition, he has threatened pharmacies who refuse to give out abortion pills. He has also threatened hospitals and doctors who refuse to perform abortions. He does not allow any exception for their refusal due to conscience, or State laws that outlaw abortions. Therefore, it is very important to elect pro-life State and federal Representatives and Senators who will protect freedom of conscience and repeal any laws which fund abortions in violation of current federal laws which forbid federal funds from being used to fund abortions.. In addition, abortion supporters are stepping up attacks on pro-life churches and pregnancy centers in an open defiance of the laws against destroying other people’s property and President Biden has directed the justice department to investigate pro-life clinics and seek ways to shut them down. They seem to feel that if they can not accomplish something legally, they are free to use any means they want. It is time to start enforcing our laws protecting life and prosecuting those who violate them. If we don’t, we will have anarchy where everyone does as they please.



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