Involving members in ministry-part-B Today, many churches have few active ministries and involve a minimum of members in ministry. Current leaders have occupied the same positions since anyone can remember and probably will as long as they are able. This results in the church getting in a rut and refusing to do anything new. The church needs to expand the churches ministry to involve more members. An affective way to draw new ideas into the decision process is to return to the Biblical principle of the Sabbatical. The Bible set aside the Sabbath (seventh day) as a day of rest and established the Sabbatical (seventh year) as a time of rest where the Jews were to rely totally on God’s provision. Establishing the Biblical doctrine of Sabbatical where workers serve for six years and then take off a year on a rotating basis allows new Christians to gain experience and allows workers to step back and look for other areas that might interest them. It also enables the church to introduce new members into the decision making process (See “To Preserve The Light” in Rebuilding The Kingdom” copyright 2012) In addition, Christian para-church organizations often need volunteers and provide training for them providing excellent opportunities for those seeking to get experience in ministering to others. Some even have paid positions where members can become involved in full-time ministry
Eighth Sunday of Kingdomtide-Oct 20