
22 Aug

It is interesting to watch liberals trip over their own words. The Democrats in their convention have been railing against Republicans who they say are depriving families of having kids by opposing artificial breeding of babies. Yet, they push the murder of over a million unborn babies a year. If they want every family that wants a baby to have one, all they have to do is cut back on aborting them. If abortion was abolished today, there would not be enough families to take all the children. Those who push abortion have created a monster by unleashing sexual freedom. Before, women were afraid to have sex outside marriage because they might get pregnant. Now, they say you can enjoy sex with anyone anytime and not have to worry about carrying a baby to term. If you don’t want the baby that results, you can abort it. Now we are reaping the fruit of that. Then they say if you do want a baby, we can manufacture one for you. It is strangely similar to Hitler’s plan for the master race. You abort all the babies that aren’t wanted because of their race or some disability, then you kill those who are born with disabilities, and finally, you selectively breed the strongest of the race to create a master race.



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