Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

25 Jan

Nutrition-A major problem with the elderly is eating right. While many do not feel that nutrition is an important among the elderly, it is really an important ministry to the one who receives the meals. Elderly women who are used to cooking for someone may not feel much like fixing meals just for themselves. Arthritis and other ailments may also make cooking difficult. Many widowed men are used to their wives cooking and not used to cooking for themselves. In addition, many elderly do not feel much like eating alone and may skip meals resulting in malnutrition that leads to poor health. Home delivered meals provide a daily nutritious meal for them. In addition, the delivery provides a daily check on them to make sure they are alright which is important because they may not have anyone to check on them otherwise. It also provides a friendly visit. While those delivering the meals usually can’t stop for long, a cheerful greeting is very welcome to someone who rarely sees anyone. Sit-down meals are provided at many Senior centers and some provide transportation to those within a limited distance but many live too far from a Senior Center to get to the meals. Churches may offer luncheons to Seniors who live nearby or provide transportation to Senior Centers. Home delivered meals are available through many Senior Centers but the elderly may live too far from the center to get them. Individuals who drop by with a prepared meal occasionally and stay to share it are appreciated. Several elderly living close to each other may get together and eat together. I once visited an elderly woman who lived on the second floor of an apartment building. Three other elderly ladies lived on her floor. One of the women had previously had a big family and was used to cooking for them but they had all moved away and none of them lived nearby. She got the other ladies together and told them that if each contributed a portion of the cost of groceries, she would cook for them all and they could eat together. The women agreed and it benefited them all. A mother of young children can occasionally invite an elderly neighbor over to share lunch while the kids take their nap, allowing her much needed fellowship asĀ  well as the Senior.




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