Seventh Sunday of Kingdomtide-Oct 15

12 Oct

Small group ministry-A-Ministering to Each Other The Bible says that in the days after Pentecost, believers ministered to each other like a family and shared their possessions with those in need. If members don’t know each other well, they are reluctant to reveal that they have needs. The church is hampered today by the fact that members no longer live close to the church and to each other. They live so far apart that they no longer shop in the same stores, work at the same jobs, and have children attending the same schools. As a result, many do not have any contact with each other outside of church, so it is hard for members to get to know each other. As a result, the church has very little influence on members outside an hour a week when the church gathers for worship. Because of the distance, it is also hard for members to support each other in time of need. A mother who has a child who is hurt is reluctant to call a stranger who lives across town to look after her other kids while she takes the injured child to the doctor or hospital, but is more able to call a close friend who lives nearby. A mother whose husband is in the army or in jail, or has deserted her may reach the breaking point but be reluctant to ask other church members, who she doesn’t know, to come watch the kids while she steps away and cools down, but may be more willing to get together with another mother she knows and take turns watching the kids so neither gets pushed over the edge. Therefore, small groups need to live close together as much as possible, to provide frequent contact and mutual assistance as needed.


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