
07 Aug

Democrats seem to think that if we trade with our enemies, they will like us. Both Presidents Obama and Biden have restricted American oil production and increased reliance on Arab oil. While they state it is due to environmental concerns, it also aids the Arabs by pouring millions of American dollars into the Arab economy. That money is not going to aid the Arab people. The Arab States remain fairly poor. That money is being funneled into the pockets of the leaders and into the terrorist organizations that have stated that they intend to wipe out Israel and the United States. In that way, we  are supporting the terrorists in their campaign to destroy us. It also makes us vulnerable to blackmail as the Arab States threaten to cut off our oil supply if we don’t  stop attacking the terrorists. As a result, America has vastly reduced its attacks on terrorists and in fact turns a blind eye to the genocide being carried out against Christians in Arab countries. While it means less attacks against the United States, 9-11 showed us that it only lasts as long as we keep supporting them. If we withdraw our support of their terrorist activities by switching to more American oil, they attack us again. It is a false security that doesn’t last. Like any blackmail, it only lasts as long as you give in to the blackmailer’s demands. In addition, they opened our doors and gave China favored trade status. As a result, China undercut American manufacturers and now we are dependent on China for many of our products. We saw that when Covid shut down imports. Many of our medici


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