Archive for the ‘Values’ Category

Previous Posts 14/14

24 Dec

This is the fourteenth in the series of previous posts and highlights

mission trip, values, personal notes, gas prices, previous posts

Click on the links below to access those series.


Fourth Sunday of Kingdomtide-Sept 26

22 Sep

Men are by nature bigger and stronger than women. To those of the world, that means that men can dominate women and use them for their pleasure. However, God created men and women to be different so they could best fulfill what they needed to do. God created men bigger and stronger, and more independent so they could protect women and provide for them. God gave women the ability to bear children and care for numerous children, the sick, and aging parents. It was not meant to be something of domination by the stronger but a pooling of abilities between two equals. People have distorted that to fit their warped desires. With modern technology, a lot of jobs have opened to women that were formerly closed to them allowing them to expand into new areas but that was not always so. You can’t go hunting for days on end or go to war dragging a child who is still nursing. God knew what He was doing but man has twisted it for his own benefit. Feminists in the early 20th Century fought hard to gain the right to walk with their husbands as equals but modern feminists care only about themselves and in their push to become dominant over men, are destroying many of the gains that early feminists fought so hard to win.



27 Jun

Introduction-God said that he has set before us life and death and urged us to choose life. Deu. 30:19. God’s values aren’t man’s values. The most important value of all is life. Without life, anything else is meaningless. God set that choice before Adam and Eve, but they chose the way of death. As a result, man has faced death ever since. People ask why God created the tree of the fruit of good and evil if he did not want man to choose it. The fact is, if God had not given man the choice, man would have been a puppet doing just as he was told. However, God wanted someone He could share creation with and only someone who has a choice can really choose. If you only have one choice, you can’t really choose, the choice is inevitable. (see “Introduction to Values series”-to get it, E-mail me at and put “Manuscripts” in subject bar and ask for “Values-Intro”)

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