Archive for the ‘Lent’ Category


02 Mar

Many young people who have supported the pro-life movement are shifting to support politicians pushing climate change because of media push of climate issues and censorship of pro-life issues. Liberals pressure us to support their causes with emotional arguments that sound good but aren’t based on proper priorities. They cry about the environment, and we do need to protect our environment for future generations, but we should not go to extremes that needlessly destroy jobs when we can protect the environment while we protect the jobs. In fact, we are finding that protecting the environment can actually create jobs. Liberals also beg for funds to protect the poor whales and care for the thousands of cats and dogs that are abused every year, yet they openly oppose any attempt to reduce the over 1 million babies they consign to death though abortion every year, many of them paid for with government funds, your tax dollars and mine. In fact, they are continually pushing to get more funds for abortion. The fact is, if you don’t have life, it doesn’t matter what happens to the environment because you won’t be around to worry about it.


First Sunday of Lent-Mar 6

02 Mar

Liberals have failed to create the great society they expected because they fail to understand man. They feel that man is good by nature and society corrupts him. All man needs is to be freed from the restraints of society and he will develop best. They feel that if laws prevent him from doing what he feels best, he should ignore the law. However we know from watching a child that they are selfish by nature and want to do what they should not do. We have to establish rules to prevent them from harming themselves and others. As they grow up, they should learn to control themselves and as they do, laws are not needed as much, but we still have to have laws because the desire remains and some don’t learn to restrain themselves. If a child does not learn to control themselves, they become a threat to themselves and others. We, as a society are reaping the results of not training children to restrain themselves. Jesus said “You must be born again” He is not talking about a mere makeover but a new life, a fresh start. We can’t continue to live in the way of the flesh and expect to have fellowship with God. We must die to self and be born again through the Spirit of God. Paul says in Ephesians 4: 22-24. “We must lay aside the old self which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” During Lent, let us seek to put off the old man of flesh and be born again through the Spirit of God.




Ash Wednesday-Mar 2

27 Feb

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent. Lent was a time when the early church instructed new converts in the  Christian life in preparation for baptism and should be a time when believers examine their life and seek out any sin in their life that would stand between them and serving Christ. It is a good time to examine our life in light of the revelations in the Gospels by reading through the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), a chapter or portion of a chapter every day. As we read, we should consider what Christ has to say about following Him and try to apply it to our own lives. As we examine our life, it should result in changes in how we live. Faith without works is dead for our works demonstrate our faith, just as a fruit tree that doesn’t bear fruit is worthless, works without faith is in vain because the works alone will not produce faith and often are merely a means to be seen by men. James 2:14-26. Now is a good time to reexamine your life and your faith.

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Posted in Lent


Previous Posts-2/12

28 Sep

This is the second in the series of previous posts and highlights
Lent, Holy Week, Eastertide

Click on the links below to access those series.