
20 Feb

In Europe, only the wealthy got an education. Then America pushed for universal education and it opened up a time of great economic prosperity. Now with failing public schools, we are fast returning to where only the rich get a quality education. Churches have been using their extra space for schools for a long time but were expensive, since they received no public funds. Churches have a lot of space that is normally not used during the week and Sunday School rooms are often ideal for classes. New online curriculums make less demand for trained teachers. Currently church-based schools are mainly limited to large affluent churches who can afford to subsidize their schools to make them more affordable. Ohio Christian Ed Network and Center For Christian Virtue are partnering to develop schools in churches to provide Christ-based education at a low cost because they meet in churches. As a result, they have low overhead and can still provide a quality curriculum. They just opened their first church this year and plan to open more next year. Such schools are usually smaller and closer to students than public schools who have been increasingly moving towards consolidated schools with long bus rides to school. Churches and their members can assist the expansion of Church-based education by starting a school of their own or supporting schools in nearby churches through donations to the schools and scholarships for students, particularly those from their own church.


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