
08 Dec

It is interesting how liberal media and politicians are constantly attacking right wing extremists and white supremacists as if they are the same. Yet those who know anything about history should not be fooled. Before the Civil War, Southern Democrats promoted White Supremacy and protected slavery. After the Civil War, when slavery was abolished, Southern Democrats continued to control Blacks through  terrorism carried out by the Ku Klux Klan (a White Supremacy group) and through Jim Crow laws, enacted by city and State governments controlled by Southern Democrats. In the early 1900’s, Democrats promoted welfare programs. While they helped many in poverty that could not work, they forced the breakup of families by requiring the father to leave the home and by making it difficult for recipients to find work, enslaved many recipients in endless poverty, since many recipients could only get entry level jobs that paid less than they got on welfare. Blacks were  hurt the most because of discrimination in education and jobs. They manipulated Blacks to vote for them by telling them that Republicans would abolish the welfare programs. Today, it is Democrats that are highlighting racial incidents to create tension between Blacks and Whites. People need to learn from history and not be fooled by political propaganda.


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