
03 Sep

In President Biden’s speech, he claimed that conservatives are a threat to democracy but offered no proof for the claim. He continues to incite violence against conservatives to threaten them into silence because he is afraid that the truth will get out. President Obama flooded the FBI with thousands of new agents just before he left office. The FBI launched a spying campaign against Donald Trump to get dirt on him knowing the charges were fake and leaked information about Trump colluding with the Russians to the media. No law enforcement agency would leak such information about an ongoing investigation, without compromising the investigation. They had no intent of referring it for prosecution. The information was leaked just before the election to discredit President Trump and turn voters against him to prevent his election. When that failed, the House committee used the information to conduct an investigation which was nothing more than a media circus to discredit President Trump and prevent him from being reelected. The investigation found no evidence of wrong-doing but they impeached him anyway. Now they have evidence the FBI pressured Facebook to censor information about Hunter Biden’s laptop that might harm Joe Biden’s chances for election. We see a clear attempt to use the FBI to sway the elections in favor of liberals. They pose the real threat to democracy by spreading false information to mislead voters.



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