Eighth Sunday of Pentecost-July 24

20 Jul

Nursing Homes  Nursing homes have changed over the years. They used to be short term where people went to die. Now they are often short term for therapy and then residents return to their homes. Far fewer die in nursing homes these days. There is a great need for workers to minister to those in nursing homes. Many are away from family, friends, and familiar surroundings. Many are no longer able to take care of themselves or do many things they used to do, either temporarily or permanently.  In addition, many of those there are facing death and need to deal with it. Like young people, they are facing a transition and are making decisions that will impact, not only the rest of their life (short as that may be), but where they will spend eternity. Many are open to hearing the hope of the Gospels. Many have lost loved ones who may be Christians but they themselves aren’t. Also, many have no family or friends nearby and have no visitors. They welcome those who come to visit. Many enjoy visits from children (though some don’t so be sure and check first) It’s a good way to teach children to minister to others and children often enjoy it as well. The government has recognized the bonding that children and the elderly develop and has begun pairing nursing homes with Day Care Centers for inter-generational programs.


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