
04 Jun

It is amazing how little people understand of government and economics. There is a petition circulating urging President Biden to abolish student debts by executive order since Congress is gridlocked. The privilege of executive order is not really legal since the President isn’t authorized to do it but it has been tolerated  when Presidents give someone a commendation or establish a holiday because it is harmless and no one really objects to it. However, when President Obama began using the executive order to openly make laws or change laws established by a vote of the people or by Congress, he openly violated he Constitution.  President Trump used the executive order to remove many of the illegal laws established by President Obama but liberals proclaimed he had no authority to do so. They apparently feel it is alright to make laws illegally but not to repeal illegal laws. However President Biden has felt free to reestablish the illegal laws by executive order. Talk about two-faced. It is time we reestablish the Constitution as the law of the land to protect the people from Presidents who feel they are king and can do as they please. America threw off the rule of the king in 1776 and the framers of the Constitution wrote it to protect them from another one, but the people have to elect Congressmen who will protect them. Those currently in control of Congress are doing nothing to control the President so we must elect new Congressmen in the Fall who support the Constitution and the rule of law, if we are to protect our rights as citizens.   GG-1 It is amazing how little

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