
18 Feb

President Biden and liberal members of Congress decry any conservative ruling as politically motivated but totally ignore the fact that liberal rulings are in support of their pet projects such as abortion and Gay Rights so that is just baseless talk. Judges should rule on the facts and the laws that apply, not on what they would like the decision to be. The main question is whether it is Constitutional or not and whether it is in line with authority granted the federal government by the Constitution. Roe vs Wade proclaimed that inborn children were not people and did not have the rights granted by the Constitution. It was very similar  to when the Supreme court ruled that Black people were not people and so were not protected by the Constitution. The Constitution guarantees those rights to “all” people and the courts do not have the right to pick and choose which people they want to protect. The court came to its senses in the matter of Black people and hopefully will do so in the case of unborn children. The Constitution also states that any area of authority not granted to the federal government is under the authority of the States. The Supreme Court has recently overturned laws enacted by the States in areas they have sole jurisdiction over.



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