
05 May

President Biden is pushing for universal pre-school. The government has been providing free preschool for low-income families for almost 50 years, but it has failed to make any noticeable difference in the outcome of students who have participated. Children develop relationships with their parents in their first few years of life, when they are forming their values and their view of themselves. Through that bonding, they learn what it means to be a boy or a girl and the values that later direct their decisions. Preschool classes would disrupt that bonding. Liberal educators are pushing for extending their control over what is taught to pre-school kids because they know that values are formed in the first few years of life, before kids normally begin school. If they can get control of them during their formative years, they can instill their values in the child’s life. Educators have shown their main interest is pushing their agenda and not the wellbeing of the children. In recent years, teachers have tried to prevent parents from reviewing what is being taught because they know that parents would not approve of it. Now, due to the increase of on-line teaching, many parents are finally getting to see what their kids are learning in school and many are shocked. Giving them access to children during their formative years would be foolish and destructive.

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