
05 May
As public schools continue to deteriorate into tools of liberal indoctrination and become increasingly unsafe because of bullying, violence, and 
open bathroom policies, many people say churches should open their own schools. Unfortunately, when you propose that to church members, 
many try to defend the public schools and criticize you for promoting Christian schools because they view Christian schools as inferior. They 
think that just because Christian school staff are paid less and have less training, they are inferior, yet Christian schools have a higher success rate
 than public schools because they are based on Christian values and encourage children to seek knowledge rather than to just accept what they are
 taught. In addition, the staff are teaching because they love teaching and care about their students, not because they see it just as a way to earn a 
living. While there are good teachers in the public schools, many teachers are hampered by a liberal mentality that
 indoctrinates students rather than teaching them a desire to learn and discover new truths. 
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