
11 Mar

The media continues to demonize Republicans for blocking people from voting which sounds terrible but ignores the fact that most of the ones they remove cannot vote anyway. Many have been dead for years, some for a decade or more.  While laws vary,  those who don’t vote for several years are notified by mail. If it comes back as undeliverable because they no longer live at that address or they fail to respond to repeated letters, they are removed.  Voters must update their address if they move so if they do not live at the address and have not registered at any other address in the State, they are not eligible to vote until they register at their new address.  Many have moved out of State. Some may register and vote in the State they now live in, or they may not, but they are no longer eligible to vote in the State where they no longer live. If they still live at the address that they registered at, but fail to respond to the notices, they apparently aren’t interested in voting, and their name is removed. If they decide sometime in the future to vote, they can simply register again. It is required in every State that drivers have legal driver’s licenses, and it is even more important for voters to have legal voter registrations. Leaving their names on the rolls when it is obvious that they will probably not vote leaves an open invitation to unscrupulous politicians to pull the names of those who haven’t voted for several years, create fake ID’s and have people vote using those names. Either one person votes different times under different names or people who aren’t eligible to vote, will vote under a name on the rolls who probably won’t vote.  It is even easier to vote illegally in liberal States who do not require voters to produce identification or fail to check them. Both corrupt the elections and can result in candidates stealing an election by stuffing the ballot box with illegal votes. The only reason to fight allowing people to vote illegally is if someone intends to steal an election. Voters should not be swayed by such emotional appeals and should defend their right to fair elections by requiring that their State periodically clean their rolls by removing those who have died or moved out of State and are no longer eligible to vote, and requiring identification for those who vote.


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