
07 Nov

The second pillar of the ACE Act will exercise Congress’s constitutional responsibility over Washington, D.C. Voting in elections should be reserved only for U.S. citizens. Currently, a number of cities including Washington, D.C., and New York City allow noncitizens to vote. Washington, D.C.’s law is so ridiculous it will let embassy staff from Russia and China vote after living in the capital for just 30 days. The bill prohibits federal funds from going to places that allow noncitizens to vote and stops noncitizens from voting in Washington, D.C. Reforms will not only prohibit noncitizens from voting, but also implement strong voter photo ID laws, require annual voter list maintenance, and stop the unsolicited mailing of ballots to unmaintained lists. After years of mismanaged elections, our nation’s capital will become a model for states. The final pillar of the bill is focused on protecting political speech. Many people have grown concerned that their First Amendment rights will be suppressed or that their beliefs will be weaponized against them. The ACE Act will permanently prohibit federal agencies, such as the IRS, from asking for nonprofit organizations’ donor lists, creating ad hoc standards, and applying them to ideologically opposed groups. This section of the bill will also bring greater transparency and accountability into the federal campaign finance system. The public deserves confidence in our elections. House Republicans made a “Commitment to America” to restore government by the people and for the people. Congress has the opportunity to pass the most transformative conservative election integrity legislation for the first time in a generation. Contact your representatives and demand they support election integrity laws at the State level as well.


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