
25 Aug

The preamble to the Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal and we are granted certain rights by God including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also states that governments are instituted to protect those rights and receive their power from the consent of the people. That was a new concept and it took decades to work out the details and implement those principles. The present policy of government to enact and enforce laws which violate the will of the people is an open violation of the principles that our country was founded on and an establishing of the very conditions our founding fathers fought to be free from. The people have had every opportunity to correct the situation through the ballot box but have failed to hold their elected officials accountable by not making their will known and watching their officials to see that they carry out the will of the people, and  by not voting out those that violate the public trust. By continuing to reelect them, they are allowing the politicians to continue enacting and enforcing the laws which violate the will of the people. If the people do not move to take back control of the politicians, they will soon lose the ability to do so as the politicians consolidate their power and push laws in every State that will allow them to control the elections and manipulate the results for their own benefit.


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