
07 Aug

Democrats state they believe in diplomacy instead of military intervention. They have a very narrow view of the situation. The Arabs have stated that they intend to wipe out Israel and have been involved in the attacks on the United States, who have supported Israel, including 9-11. They openly proclaim that they will wipe out the infidels, which includes the United States. They are determined to make everyone Moslem, if someone doesn’t convert, they kill them. That is very similar to what Hitler did when he said he would rule the world. He attacked country after country while western nations continued to try to negotiate a peace. Every time they offered a concession, he came back and demanded more. It didn’t work with Hitler and it hasn’t worked with the Arab terrorists. You can’t negotiate with someone who wants an entire pie. Offering them part of the pie won’t work. Every time you give them part of it, they come back for more of your share. They aren’t interested in dividing the pie, they want it all. You can’t negotiate with someone who wants you dead. You can’t offer to let them rough you up a little instead, they won’t be happy until you convert to Islam or are dead. Diplomacy may work when two countries have a dispute but doesn’t work with dictators and radicals who want to rule the world.


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