Freedom of Religion-B-T

19 Apr

There have been growing liberal attempts to destroy the churches by what they call a First Amendment mandated separation of  church and State in the Constitution. However, their work reveals, at the least, a complete ignorance of the Constitution, and at the extreme, a contempt for it and all those who believe in it. The Constitution clearly states that Congress shall make no laws to establish religion, prohibit free exercise of it, or abridge freedom of speech. It not only does not authorize the government to do these things, as liberals claim, it specifically prohibits the government from doing so. Yet, liberals have sought to remove Bibles, crosses, manger scenes, the Ten Commandments, and even the Constitution from our schools, libraries, and government buildings. During the Obama administration, federal judges demanded that pastors turn over their sermons to make sure they weren’t preaching against programs like abortion and Gay rights, which liberals promoted. They have fined and jailed those who refused to participate in things condemned by God such as Gay marriages, and forced taxpayers to fund activities like abortion which violate their beliefs.



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