Archive for the ‘Unions’ Category


14 Jun

Right to Work Laws  While Democrats claim to support worker’s rights, we are seeing a lot of ads from time to time, extolling the benefits which unions have given us and telling people that the “right to work” movement threatens their communities. While the unions did a lot of good to bring safety to the work place, raise wages, and break the power of tyrannical companies, they have become tyrants themselves. They aren’t run as a democracy. They are run by union bosses who use the union dues to support politicians who in turn pass laws benefiting the unions. As union bosses gained control over politicians, they began supporting other things such as abortion even though the majority of their members opposed it. Because of laws in many States, workers have no voice in how their dues are spent. While some States allow members to opt out of dues which support political candidates, most States don’t allow that. As the union bosses have gained power, they have used union funds to gain control over local, State, and national politicians. Politicians, backed by union funds, have expanded laws supporting causes, like abortion, that the union bosses want, in spite of the fact that many of their members are opposed to it. Union bosses, working with abortion providers and Gay rights groups have united behind the Democratic party to push their agenda, in spite of the fact that their members predominantly oppose those issues. Democratic politicians can often outspend their Republican rivals as much as 4-10 times. As industry declines, unions are declining and so they are trying to expand their power over their members and the industries they control. In fact, unions have been preying upon those in other occupations, who are unhappy with making so much less than union workers, in order to to expand their power into new industries. Many cities, and some States, like Michigan, are more controlled by union bosses than by the votes of their people. “Right to Work” laws abolish mandatory union membership and dues allowing workers to work without belonging to the union or paying dues to support causes they don’t believe in. The only thing they threaten is the union’s control over workers.


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Posted in Unions



14 Jun

A-Q President Biden and liberals in Congress are continuing to push the infrastructure bill in spite of its massive expense and extensive pork barrel spending designed to entice people to support the party. The bill contains dangerous clauses designed to advance the power and reach of the unions. It would abolish the Right to Work laws in those States where they exist and would give the unions complete control of the federal, State and local governments, as well as complete control of the corporations where they currently exist. It would be impossible to get a government job or a job in a major industry without belonging to the union Such control violates the American ideal of equal opportunity for all and the Christian belief that all men are endowed by their creator with certain rights including that of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Men should be free to join such unions if they feel the union can help them better themselves but should not be forced to join them if they want to work. In addition, members are forced to pay union dues. While some of the dues support the union, a lot of those dues go to support liberal politicians and liberal causes even though the members believe they are morally wrong and they have no say where their dues go.


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Posted in Unions



14 Jun

Democrats say they support unions and worker’s rights. In the beginning, the factories had a lot of control over workers and worked them long hours for low pay. You either did what they said or got fired. There were always people willing to take your place. The unions did a lot of good in the beginning because they could pressure the companies into making concessions by threatening to shut down production. The unions were able to help the workers by forcing companies to shorten the work week, limit time worked per day, and provide workers with decent wages. However, as the unions gained power, they began pushing wages higher and higher. Wages increases forced increases in the cost of goods they produced which hurt those who were not in the union. In addition, in States like Michigan where the economy was dependent on industry which was dominated by the unions, wage increases prevented companies from competing with non-union companies in other States, forcing many companies to close down, move out of State, or even move overseas to stay competitive. In the end, the unions cost many of those workers their jobs and left Michigan and similar States near bankruptsy. While the unions cry about all the lost jobs, they refuse to acknowledge that they were responsible for the loss of jobs.


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Previous Posts 9/12

02 Oct

This is the ninth in the series of previous posts and highlights
unions, Economics, Media, Health Care

Click on the links below to access those series.