Sanctity of Life-A-4-Y

27 Jan

While the goal has been to repeal Roe vs Wade, overturning it is not the end of the fight. Roe vs Wade set off a tidal wave that seeks to destroy America. Before Roe vs Wade, abortion was viewed almost universally as wrong and only practiced in back alleys by the truly desperate. Even they often viewed it as wrong but saw no other alternative. Sex outside marriage was restricted to prostitutes and those outside the general culture due to fear of pregnancy and the resulting social scorn. It was illegal in every State. When Roe vs Wade was decided, it allowed abortion by preventing the courts from prosecuting those who violated the laws against abortion. It never made it legal. At first, most people viewed it as legal but wrong. However abortionists took advantage of it and abortion became widespread. It gave people the idea they could have sex without having to worry about the consequences, however it was slow to catch on because many still viewed it as wrong. As it became widespread and the media promoted it, more people began to see it as acceptable.  Overturning it doesn’t make it illegal, it has always been illegal until recently. Overturning it allowed the courts to enforce the laws against abortion. Many States rushed to reinstate their abortion laws but some States rushed to legalize abortion. If abortion is legal in your State, you need to push the legislature to make it illegal.  Laws legalizing abortion are unconstitutional because the Constitution guarantees the right to life and States can not legally take away that right, however it depends on the courts to enforce the laws. We have many liberal courts that do not recognize the rule of law and feel they have the right to  allow abortion to continue. They claim they are broadly interpreting the law but are openly violating it. Therefore it is important to vote in legislators who will pass laws against abortion and judges that will respect the law.




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