Sanctity of Life-A-4-W

20 Nov

A law allowing abortionists to kill a baby up to 28 days AFTER birth has just taken effect in California and other States are considering similar bills. Abortion was just a smoke screen to open the door to eliminate unwanted people, including severely injured, terminally sick, the elderly, and the mentally ill. All we have to do is watch what is taking place in Canada, Britain, and elsewhere in Europe. We have watched as they have legalized infanticide, mercy killing of those terminally ill or severely injured (their consent is not required), and assisted suicide, or are in the process of doing so. Margaret Sanger started what has become Planned Parenthood to limit the spread of Blacks and the poor and cashed in on government funds available for women’s health care to make it financially profitable. Planned Parenthood expanded to include abortion once it became legal to back up contraceptives which are terribly unreliable and to cash in on additional government funds which liberal politicians made available for it. A lot of the government funds they receive goes to elect politicians that will protect their cash cow and vote them additional funds. They then expanded into selling body parts gleaned from abortions to add to their income. Now, Planned Parenthood is expanding services in their college-based clinics to include gender transforming drugs and surgery and pushing for government funds. It seems that Planned Parenthood is getting increasingly greedy at our expense. While the media continues to play up every attack on an abortion clinic (which occur only occasionally), they totally ignore attacks on pro-life centers which are occurring almost daily. It is estimated that pro-life centers are attacked 22 times as often as abortion clinics. That doesn’t include churches that are attacked for their pro-life stand.



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