Yom Kippur-Oct 4

30 Sep

Christians have ignored Rosh Hosanna and Yom Kippur because they refer to the end times. Many Christians assume that believers will be caught up to be with Christ when the trumpet sounds and only unbelievers will go through the Tribulation. However, believers must be ready as Jesus states in the parable of the virgins and the marriage feast, and they must be serving Him as Jesus states in the parable of the sheep and the goats, or they will not rise with Christ and will have to face the Tribulation. Therefore, we must be ready every day for we do not know when our time on earth will end. Many will die before Christ comes back and their fate will be sealed forever. In addition, non-Christians will face the Tribulation if we don’t reach them for Christ. Therefore, it is very important for Christians to continue to be reminded of the Second Coming. (see “Before Your Eyes” in “Understanding the Path We Walk” for further explanation)


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