Archive for the ‘Final Harvest’ Category

Video-Christ the King Sunday-Intro-Nov 20

21 Nov


The Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) Oct 4

06 Oct

The Feast of Tabernacles (Booths)  occurs seven days after the Day of Atonement-(five days after Yom Kippur) and lasts a week. It is a time when the Jews build crude huts or booths to dwell in. It is a time of remembering when the Jews wandered in the wilderness, lived in booths, and were dependent on God and how God provided for them. It occurred during the harvest festival when the workers lived in booths near the field and moved them as the harvest moved from field to field. God warned them that when they entered the land of Canaan and experienced the plenty of the land that they should not forget their dependence on God and dwelling in booths would remind them of His provision. Indeed, in our time of plenty, we have lost our appreciation for all God has provided us and think our hand alone has provided this. We forget we are dependent on God for all we have, including the very air we breathe.


Yom Kippur-Oct 4

30 Sep

Christians have ignored Rosh Hosanna and Yom Kippur because they refer to the end times. Many Christians assume that believers will be caught up to be with Christ when the trumpet sounds and only unbelievers will go through the Tribulation. However, believers must be ready as Jesus states in the parable of the virgins and the marriage feast, and they must be serving Him as Jesus states in the parable of the sheep and the goats, or they will not rise with Christ and will have to face the Tribulation. Therefore, we must be ready every day for we do not know when our time on earth will end. Many will die before Christ comes back and their fate will be sealed forever. In addition, non-Christians will face the Tribulation if we don’t reach them for Christ. Therefore, it is very important for Christians to continue to be reminded of the Second Coming. (see “Before Your Eyes” in “Understanding the Path We Walk” for further explanation)


Rosh Hosanna Sept-25-27, 2022 Study Course Video

22 Sep

Rosh Hosanna signals the beginning of the celebration of the Fall harvest which is the final harvest of the year. After the first day when good people are rewarded. The rest have ten days to repent. This parallels Revelation where the trumpet sounds, Jesus returns and collects His chosen people, and then begins the tribulation where the rest will have one final chance to repent before the close of the final harvest of the elect. This celebration has not been fulfilled but whenever it is, it will probably occur on Rosh Hosanna. Never-the-less, we need to be ready every day because we never know when we will pass out of this world into the next and seal our fate for eternity. (For more on the holidays, see “Before Your Eyes” in “Understanding the Path We Walk”) and Udemy course Celebrations- Promo

Course URL         


9/11 remembered

14 Sep

There were very few references to 9/11 this year. Each year there are less. Many do not realize that Sept 11, 2001 was on Rosh Hosanna. It is a Jewish holiday celebrating God’s restoration of the earth. God will not allow the evil around us to continue forever. He is very patient, waiting as long as possible so that all who come to Him can be saved, but one day His patience will end and He will return to restore the earth to the former glory it had when He created it. Rosh Hosanna begins with the blowing of the trumpet warning of God’s judgement. The trumpets blew that morning as the Jews read the Scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14. (which reads, “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” No one realized that terrorists were boarding planes to take out the twin towers and the Pentagon, but God knew and used it to issue a warning. While the terrorists were boarding the plane, trumpets were blowing all up and down the east coast. While there was a great outpouring of faith after 9/11, it was temporarily and since then, it has decreased and many have forgotten. One day Christ is coming back and if we aren’t ready, it will be too late. However, 3000 people woke up that morning expecting a day like any other day, but they died that day and their fate was sealed forever. Some will go to heaven and some will go to Hell. If Jesus comes or you die today, your fate will be sealed, you won’t get a second chance. Will you go to heaven or Hell? If God’s people obey the Scripture and turn back to God, He can still heal this land. The Jews had that choice when Christ came before. They rejected Him and faced over 1900 years of exile. What will America decide?


Video-study course-Christian Celebrations-promo

22 Jun

I have a course on Basic Christian Beliefs for new Christians and as a refresher for long-time Christians, which is posted on Udemy.

It is available by posting the following link in your browser.


Succoth- Sept 20-27-B

30 Sep

While Succoth remembers the wandering in the wilderness, it had a deeper meaning as well. It came at the end of the string of holidays and was a feast after the final harvest of the year.  It foretells the end of the tribulation during which God will gather the final harvest before He sets up His kingdom and restores His rule over all of creation. The tribulation will end with Yom Kippur which foretells the final dividing of the “sheep” (faithful) and the “goats” (unfaithful). Succoth was a kind of celebration that they had passed the test and were acceptable to God and would enjoy Gods blessings in the future. In the same way, the marriage supper of the lamb, foretold in Revelation 19, will include all the saints in heaven as they celebrate the uniting of Christ with His  bride (the Church) and look forward to enjoying the blessings of God for eternity.  The Church has no similar celebration except Christ the King day which occurs the last Sunday before Advent and celebrates the return of Christ, however very few churches celebrate it.


Yom Kippur-Sept 15

16 Sep

Yom Kippur is an important Jewish holiday in which God commands every Jew to participate but is largely forgotten by Christians. After the ten days following Rosh Hashanah in which the Jews are to settle their differences and repent from sin, the Jews spend 24 hours in prayer. Formerly, the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer a sacrifice and intercede for Israel, however since Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, was slain for our sins, the temple sacrifice is no longer necessary. Therefore, God allowed the temple to be destroyed after Jesus death and resurrection, making further sacrifice impossible. On Yom Kippur, the books opened on Rosh Hosanna are sealed, yet Jews have no assurance that their deeds are adequate because they cannot be sure the sacrifice was without blemish. We can be sure of our salvation because Jesus died for our sins and He is without sin. We are not justified by works and cannot walk in sin and atone for it in a few days of repentance. Since the destruction of the temple, the priests have watered down the importance of the sacrifice, but the Bible says there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. Many churches today have watered down the Gospel and pretend going to church is adequate to save you. Many no longer ask for repentance and dedication to Christ.



Rosh Hosanna-C

06 Sep

Today is Rosh Hosanna. Many today ignore Rosh Hosanna as one of those traditions of the Jews that has passed away but God said it was one of the celebrations which were to be celebrated forever. As we look to the coming of Rosh Hosanna, those of us who have studied the Bible and believe it look at it coming with fear and hope. We look at it with fear because a large part of the church no longer keeps the Word of the Lord. While they proclaim the Bible as God’s Word, they ignore those parts of it that they don’t agree with. Many churches today are Christian in name only for they do not teach the Word of God or live it out in their life. Many feel they are Christians but have never been taught what it means to be Christian and are not walking with God. Many churches will meet on Sunday morning after Christ comes and wonder why they are still here. Many preachers will stand in the pulpit and try to explain to them why they were left behind but it will all be in vain. We look forward with hope because one year on that day, those who are in Christ will rise to be with him in the air. Just as the Jews prayed on Passover that Elisha would come to share the feast with them, we Christians should pray that Christ will come that we might share the marriage feast of the Lamb with Him.


Previous Posts-3/12

28 Sep

This is the Third in the series of previous posts and highlights
Pentecost, Kingdomtide, Final Harvest

Click on the links below to access those series.