
09 Apr

Even though the Supreme Court ruled against overturning laws requiring quick deportation of illegal immigrants entering the country, President Biden has indicated he will take it upon himself to end the policy. Even Democrats are warning against him doing so. Since taking office, President Biden has been lax in enforcing the policy but now wants to end it altogether. Since he has taken office, we have seen increased numbers of immigrants flooding the borders. By threatening to end the policy, he is signaling to immigrants that they are welcome, and we will no longer turn them away. That will result in an even bigger rush of immigrants seeking to get in before the borders are closed again. The border patrol is now overwhelmed with the number coming across and does not have time to seek out drugs runners flowing across the border from Mexico. We have recently seen a rapid increase in deaths from Fentanyl which is coming from China and being smuggled through Mexico and crossing the border while border patrol officers are distracted searching for illegal immigrants. We can expect to see another increase in the drug smuggled across with the rapid increase in illegal immigrants coming in.



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