Sanctity of Life-F-C

02 Mar

While liberals push abortion as a simple solution to unwanted babies, they ignore the fallout from it. It leaves the baby dead and often leaves the mother with physical and emotional problems that she will carry for years, if not for the rest of her life. In addition, pushing abortion has serious consequences beyond the mother and child. It teaches that life is expendable, and you can eliminate those who get in the way of your happiness which carries over into other areas. A mother, frustrated by the burden of caring for children may strike out at the child, may abandon the child, or may even deliberately kill it because she feels it is a burden she should not have to carry. Children caring for an aged parent or a someone who is elderly and barely able to care for themselves who is  caring for a sick or disabled spouse may feel the burden is too much for them and they should not have to be burdened with that person. An employee may feel that his/her employer or co-workers have not been treating them right may decide that they need to do something about it. A student in school may feel his teachers or fellow students are mistreating him/her, and may feel led to settle the score. A driver on the highway cut off by another car may feel that car is a threat and may feel led to do something. The average person may say they would never deliberately kill someone, but there are a lot of people living on the edge who will not need much to push them over the edge. We are seeing that today with the dramatic rise of abortions, murders, suicides, mass shootings, road rage incidents, and child abuse and killings. Once you say life is cheap and your happiness is more important than someone’s life, you are setting the scene for trouble. 



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