Gay Rights-I-A

25 Jan

Why legalizing same sex marriage is harmful

1-It isn’t marriage because it denies the biological physiology of men and women and denies the primary purpose of marriage. Normal marriage creates a family unless prevented, same sex marriages can’t without unnatural intervention.

2-It violates natural law written in the heart of every man. Rom 2:14 & 15 Heterosexual attraction is rooted in human nature and governed by natural law, All major civilizations reject same sex unions until they begin to fall apart. The acceptance of homosexuality grows as families and civilizations collapse.

3-It offends God. Marriage wasn’t created by the State, it was created by God, who created them, man and woman, for the propagation of the human race and the raising of children.

4-Children need a male and female role model, as well as to see the interaction of the two. Same sex marriages deprive the child of a father or a mother role model.

5-It defeats State’s purpose for protecting marriage. The State recognizes marriage because it creates a stable family needed to raise children, same sex marriage does not do that.

6-It validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle. Civil laws give structure to society and shapes life in the community. It also modifies people’s perception of moral values. It turns a moral wrong into a civil right and imposes State acceptance on society. Gay rights activists equate it with bi-racial marriages, however bi-racial marriages have no inherent obstacle to procreation, same sex marriages do.

7-It is the cutting edge of the cultural revolution. It promotes acceptance that will lead to more radical demands




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